Summer School in Economic History

The Summer School in Economic History opens an original mode how to incorporate the V4 historiographies of economic history into the international network. First, it will encourage the young generation of historians to enter an international scene and to take part in an open academic discussion. Second, the joint meetings of senior scholars during the V4 Summer School could lead to a preparation of the joint research activities. Doing this, the V4 Summer School will contribute to the development of research marked by intellectual and scientific
significance as well as by direct social impact.

The joint V4 Summer School will provide economic history students from V4 countries with a full understanding of the newest research trends in the field and offer a friendly atmosphere, in which they can discuss their research in the company of leading, distinguished international scholars as well as their student peers. The V4 Summer School will incorporate:
1. Lectures and seminars on recent methodological developments in econąomic history delivered by scholars from prestigious universities
2. Lecture on available archives and databases in V4 countries delivered by specialists from V4 countries
3. Assigned discussion about participants' PhD theses
4. Building of a network of V4 scholars.

Call for applications

V4 Summer School in Economic History in Prague
August 27-September 1, 2023

Institute of History of the Czech Academy of Sciences in Prague is now inviting applications from suitably-qualified Ph.D. students for up to five funded (except for traveling costs) positions to participate in the first V4 Summer School in Economic History in Prague. Summer School is organized in cooperation with the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest and the University of Warsaw, and supported by the Visegrad Fund.

The joint V4 Summer School will provide economic history students with a full understanding of the newest research trends in the field and offer a friendly atmosphere of picturesque historical Villa Lanna where students can discuss their research with their peers and distinguished international scholars.
The V4 Summer School will incorporate lectures and seminars on recent methodological developments in economic history incl. quantitative, available archives and databases suitable for economic history research, and recent developments in the field. Students will participate in assigned discussions about their Ph.D. theses and papers in progress.

Organizers welcome applications from the broadly defined economic history, incl. business history, social history, and historiography of economic history. Projects focused on Central European issues are particularly welcome.
Applicants are expected to submit their Ph.D. thesis proposal as accepted by their home university (not longer than three pages) and a short CV.

Address for submission: The application deadline: July 15, 2023 Acceptance letters distribution: by July 24, 2023

For further details, contact Dr. Antonie Doležalová: V4 Summer School website:
